Vol. 9 No. 18 (2014)

Published: 2014-12-01

Presentation. Cultural diversity, resistance and political processes

The political events that accompany the current configuration of the world system have in cultural diversity an inevitable source of contradictions, resistances and intrasocial conflicts. Contrary to what was foreseen decades ago, the so-called...

Emanuel Rodríguez Domínguez, Antonio Farreny Gómez-Puente

Beyond the center and the periphery: Mexico’s southern border under debate from a globalization perspective

The article analytically revisits the concept and reality lived in the southern border/ frontier of Mexico in the context of contemporary Borderlands debates, inquiring how peripheral the region continues to be today. Analyzing the so called...

Hanna Laako

Ritual and remembrance: the XIX anniversary of the repopulation of the municipality of San Antonio de Los Ranchos, El Salvador

This article analyzes the xix Anniversary of the Repopulation of San Antonio de Los Ranchos as a political ritual related with beings and forces of human society, through which the historical memory become evident. Following the tenets of...

Carlos Benjamín Lara Martínez

The importance of the body within the complex of the notion of personhood among contemporary mayans from Oxchuc, Chamula and Chenalhó in Chiapas state

There is a tendency to assume that the Tsotsil and Tseltal communities in the Chiapas Highlands (Altos de Chiapas) share the same notion of personhood. However, the way this notion is constructed does vary substantially without losing a common...

Jaime Tomás Page Pliego

Citizenship, civil society and social movement in Latin America: contemporary democratic challenges in Mexico and Venezuela (1990-2012)

Social sciences have had to face the challenge of developing conceptual and analytic frameworks to approach the transformation processes in contemporary societies. Important challenges are faced in the fields of economic development,...

Héctor Hurtado Grooscors

Toward the configuration of a nation with democracy: a comparative analysis of sites of memory of student movements in El Salvador and Mexico

This paper describes how the student movements in El Salvador and Mexico perform annual commemorations of the massacres they suffered and explains why it is so important for them to continue the memory of the «martyrs». It also shows how these...

Miguel Ángel Villela Ramos

Sugarcane producer organizations and their power relations: the case of the Casasano Local Sugarcane farmers association in Cuautla de Morelos, Mexico

Sugarcane cultivation is part of an agricultural tradition established during the colonial period. During that time, sugarcane production was organized by large land holdings known as haciendas. This has changed. With the revolutionary...

Luis Enrique Parral Quintero

Transaction cost and forest production chain on the eastern slope of Cofre de Perote volcano in Veracruz state

This paper presents an ethnographic description of various factors present in land use conservation and change dynamics, predominantly forest land-use on the Eastern slope of Cofre de Perote Volcano in Veracruz State based on an historical...
Antonio Farreny Gómez Puente

About the book Ver, oír, callar. En las profundidades de una pandilla salvadoreña de Juan José Martínez

The book See, hear, shut up. In the depths of a Salvadoran gang is a partial result of the research that the author developed to ethnographically support his undergraduate work in Sociocultural Anthropology at the University of El...

Luis Rodríguez Castillo

Texts on the road walked, vol. 1, by Jaime Martínez Luna

Texts on the road traveled offers us the history of the struggle of the communities of the Sierra Norte de Oaxaca for the defense of their forests and to preserve their communality against the onslaught of the State and the capitalist...

Alejandra Aquino Moreschi

Continuities, breaks and regressions. Contradictions and Paradoxes of Mexican Democracy, 2014, coordinated by Héctor Tejera Gaona, Pablo Castro Domingo and Emanuel Rodríguez Domínguez

As part of the growing process of adoption of interdiscipline in the social sciences, anthropology has expanded its fields of action. This leads us that studies in the last quarter century have compromised their disciplinary limits and dialogue...

Joel Trujillo Pérez