Review of Antonella Fagetti, Initiations, trances, dreams ... Research on shamanism in Mexico

Enrique Eroza Solana Orcid
Published: Dec 1, 2011

Section : Notas de investigación y reseñas

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It is the title of the book coordinated by Antonella Fagetti in which a variety of texts converge focused on the description of the attributes that distinguish individuals whose role resides in the prevention and suppression of the disease and the misfortune of their peers, but above all that They have acquired special faculties to exercise their role, through ecstatic initiation and learning experiences that have placed them and place them in extraordinary spheres of reality, in which they establish contact with sacred and spiritual entities.

Chaman sacred entities



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How to Cite
Eroza Solana, E. (2011). Review of Antonella Fagetti, Initiations, trances, dreams . Research on shamanism in Mexico. Revista Pueblos Y Fronteras Digital, 6(12), 275–281.

Fagetti, Antonella, 2010, Iniciaciones, trances, sueños... Investigaciones sobre el chamanismo en México. México, Instituto de Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades "Alfonso Vélez Pliego", UBAP, Plaza y Valdés.