From the domestic unit to the family organization for production. The case of cattle fattening in the Guanajuato lowlands

Martha Chávez Torres Orcid
Published: Jun 1, 2010

Section : Artículos

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Using  ethnographic  data,  this  article  demonstrates  the  way  in  which  the  domestic  unit

category is inadequate for understanding the organization and functioning of a type of rural productive unit found in a corner of the Bajío region, specifically cattle feedlots that are operated  on  the  basis  of  family  alliances  among  members  of  nuclear  families.  The  organization and functioning of these units are in the hands of the men who manage them —who  are  often  guided  by  the  father  in  the  family— and  women  have  very  marginal participation.  These  units  have  been  created  and  developed  since  the  1980s,  promoted primarily by migrants living in the United States.  The particular logic reflected in the way  they are created and sustained varies between a family member that manages a unit and the absent  owners  of  a  unit,  leading  to  a  certain  inter play  between  the  economic  and  the  emotional.

domestic unit family production organization migration economics of emotions



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How to Cite
Chávez Torres, M. (2010). From the domestic unit to the family organization for production. The case of cattle fattening in the Guanajuato lowlands. Revista Pueblos Y Fronteras Digital, 5(9), 247–277.

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